domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2015

Phrasal verbs - aula 01 - introdução (texto e vídeo)

The inspiration for Phrasal Verb came about when a student asked me for a textbook to help her learn the meanings of common phrasal verbs. I had nothing to offer. The only textbook focusing on common verbs that I could give her contains not one phrasal verb -- it teaches arise but not get up, awake but not wake up, seek but not look for.

Phrasal verbs are verbs, not idiomatic curiosities. There is no logic to classifying take over with take the bull by the horns. Phrasal verbs are an essential part of spoken and written English at all levels, and no student who hopes to master the language can afford to overlook them.

Phrasal verbs are combinations of ordinary verbs like put, take, come, and go and particles like in, out, on, and off. They are a very important part of everyday English. Every student of English needs a basic understanding of the most common phrasal verbs and also of common nouns and adjectives made from phrasal verbs.

  Most phrasal verbs are nor informal, slang, or improper for educated speech or formal writing. Exactly the opposite is true -- most phrasal verbs are acceptable at all levels of spoken or written English. In fact, for many of the phrasal verbs in this textbook, there is no alternative to the phrasal verb -- there is no other way to say it. 

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