domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2016

Seleção de Livros para estudo da Língua Inglesa (atualizado)

Conheça esta seleção dos principais livros recomendados para o estudo da língua inglesa.

An Introductory    Course English Grammar (OTIMO)
Basic English Book for the Military
Grammatica Inglese - Zanichelli
100 Lecciones de Ingles    - Vaughan
1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context -    M. Errey (2007)
1100 Words You Need to Know - Murray Bromberg -    4ed. (2000)
15 minutes par jour pour apprendre l'anglais - E. V. Wesenbeeck
400 Most important words for TOEFL
50 Everyday Idioms And How To Use Them - Penguin Books (1992)
50 mistakes in common idioms - how us them (1990)
600 Essential Words For    TOEIC Test 50 Vocabulary Lessons - Barron
650+ Frases em Inglês para o Dia a Dia - Janet Gerber (2014)
A Concise English Grammar for Foreign Students - Longmans (1958)
A Dictionary of    Grammatical Terms in Linguistics - R. L. Trask - Routledge (1996)
A French-English grammar - Morris Salkoff (1999)
A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American    English    - Routledge (2010)
A Glossary of English Grammar -    Geoffrey Leech    (2006)
A Grammar of the English Tongue    - Book Jungle (2009)
A Practical English Grammar - A. J. Thomson - Oxford (1986)
A Pratical English Grammar(Structure Drills 2 )    - A. J.    Thomson    (1979)
A Short    Comparative Grammar Of English And German
A Student's Introduction to English Grammar - Rodney Huddleston    (2005)
Advanced English C.A.E.    (Grammar Practice) Richard Warton - Longman (2000)
Advanced English C.A.E.    (Teacher's Book) Sue O'Connell - Longman (1999)
Advanced Vocabulary And    Idioms - B.J. Thomas  -    Longman    (1989)
American Accent    Training Students Book - Ann Cook - 2ed. (2000)
An Introduction    to English Grammar - Sidney Greenbaum -    Routledge - 2ed. (2002)
An Introduction    to English Grammar - Sidney Greenbaum -    Routledge - 3ed. (2009)
An Introduction    to the Grammar of English - Elly van Gelderen (2010)
Aprende    Ingles en 7 Dias - Ramon Campayo (2007)
Aprendendo a Aprender ingles - IDPH (2010)
As Palavras Mais Comuns    da Língua Inglesa - R. Q. Almeida (2000)
Basic english -    The Right Words    at the Right Time - Charlles Nunes (Phrases)
Basic English Grammar -    Betty Azar (test Bank for)
Basic English Grammar -    Betty Azar - Longman - 3ed. (2005)
Basic English Grammar -    Betty Azar- Longman - 2ed. (1996)
Basic English Grammar -    Saddleback - Book 1 (2007)
Basic English Grammar -    Saddleback - Book 2 (2007)
Basic English Grammar -    Structure and Vocabulary - Ejercito de Chile (2008)
Basic English Usage - Michael Swan - Oxford - 30ed. (1995)
Better English Grammar - Webster's Word    Power -    Geddes and Grosset (2014)
Big grammar book - 101 worksheets for English lessons -    Matt Purland (2004)
Bloomsbury Grammar Guide - Gordon Jarvie - 2ed.    (2007)
Brighter Grammar 1 - An    English    Grammar    with Exercises (1987)
Brighter Grammar 2 - An    English    Grammar    with Exercises (2005)
Brighter Grammar 3 - An    English    Grammar    with Exercises (1987)
Brighter Grammar 4 - An    English    Grammar    with Exercises (1987)
British    or American English (A Handbook    Of Word    And Grammar Patterns) Algeo (2006)
Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs    And Idioms - Rawdon Wyatt (2006)
Collins    Cobuild    English    Grammar- Collins Cobuild (2011)
Collins    Cobuild    Student's Grammar
Collins    Easy Learning Grammar and Punctuation (2009)
Colloquial English (A Complete English Language    Course)    Gareth King - Routledge    (2005)
Colloquial English Phrases And Idioms -    With Exercices - Moscow    (1970)
Coloquial english idioms (1970)
Combinando Palavras em Ingles -    Denilson Lima (2013)
Common Errors in English - Paul    Hancock    (2001)
Common Errors In English Usage - Paul Brians (2005)
Common Mistakes    in English - T.J. Fitikides - Longman -    6ed. (2002)
Commonly Used Idioms Sayings and Phrasal Verbs - Mr. doody (2009)
Como Dizer Tudo    em Ingles nos Negcios -    Martinez, Ron (2003)
Como Escrever Tudo em Inglês - Martinez, Ron (pg 200 em    diante)
Como nao aprender Ingles - Michael A. Jacobs (2002)
Complete English Grammar Rules - Farlex    (2016)
Concise    Oxford English Dictionary - Catherine Soanes et    al - 11ed.
Construya en ingles (metodo autodidatico) J. G.    Bores -    19ed.(1979)
Conversational American    English    - Mcgraw-Hill (2011)
Corso di Inglese Per Bambini - Book 1
Corso di Inglese Per Bambini - Book 2
Curso más Completo de Inglés (Gramática) - O. A. Caldela (2002)
Diccionario crítico Lassaque de    falsos cognados    inglés-castellano rioplatense
Dicionario de erros comuns do ingles (Michaelis) (2010)
Dicionário de Expressões Idiomáticas Inglês-Português (Michaelis) (2008)
Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs    - R. A.    Spears - Mcgraw-hill (2005)
Dizionario Inglese-italiano - DeAgostini 9ed. (2011)
Easier English Basic Dictionary    - Pre-Intermediate Level - 2nd.    (2004)
Easy English Grammar - David Charlton -    Liana Robinson 1 (2005)
ECL english course (Basic) - R.    F. Marques
ECL english course (Regular and    Irregular Verbs) - R. F. Marques
Elementary Language Practice (Incomp) -    Macmillan (2003)
Encyclopedia of    English    Idioms - Sayings and Slang
English    (An Essential Grammar) Gerald Nelson - Routledge (2001)
English    Course (for Beginners) Linguaphone Institute
English    Etymology - F. Kluge et    - Strassbourg (1898)
English    for Social Interaction - Everyday Idioms (2006)
English    Grammar    (100 Main Rules) E. A. Vasileva    (2015)
English    Grammar    - A Function-Based Introduction     V1 - T. Givón (1993)
English    grammar    - A resource book for students - Routledge (2012)
English    Grammar    - A University Course -    Routledge (2015)
English    Grammar    - Cliffs Notes (2003)
English    Grammar    - Heinemann Educational    Books (1992)
English    Grammar    - Jeffrey Coghill - Wiley (2003)
English    Grammar    - Lillian Gertrude Kimball - forgotenbooks (2010)
English    Grammar    - New Edition (Spanish Edition)    (2000)
English    Grammar    - Sidney Greenbaum - Oxford (1996)
English    Grammar    - Understanding    the Basics - Cambridge (2010)
English    grammar    and composition    (Complete course) John E. Warriner (1969)
English    Grammar    Demystified - Mcgraw-Hill (2010)
English    Grammar    Drills - Mark Lester - McGraw-Hill (2009)
English    Grammar    For Dummies - G. Woods - 2ed. (2010)
English    Grammar    For Dummies - G. Woods - Workbook
English    Grammar    For Economics And Business - 2ed. (2014)
English    Grammar    for ESO    -  1º cycle – Teacher's    edition    (2005)
English    Grammar    for Students of    French - Jacqueline Morton (1993)
English    grammar    for students of    Spanish    - E. Spinelli (1994)
English    Grammar    for the    Utterly    Confused - Laurie Rozakis - McGraw-Hill    (2003)
English    Grammar    in Context (Advanced) Michael Vince (2008)
English    Grammar    In Context (Intermediate) Michael Vince    (2007)
English    Grammar    in use - grammar reference - Cambridge (2000)
English    Grammar    in use - Raymond Murphy    - 3ed. (2005)
English    Grammar    Simplified - Blanche Ellsworth - Harper    Collins    (1971)
English    in use (Teacher's Resource Book    1) Grammar with    answer key
English    Irregular Verbs    - Mark Lester -    McGraw-Hill (2010)
English    Phrasal    Verbs In Use (70 units of Vocabulary) Michael McCarthy (2004)
English    Verb Tenses - Kent Uchiyama (2006)
English    Verbs &    Essentials of Grammar for ESL Learners - McGraw-Hill (2010)
English    Vocabulary in Use (Elementary) - Michael McCarthy (1999)
English-Portuguese Dictionary with Transcriptions - Dima Suponau
Errores    de Gramatica mas comunes ... el    idioma Ingles -    N. B. Pisemskaya (2005)
Essential English Grammar - Philip Gucker (1966)
Essential Grammar - Nancy M. Sullivan -    Routledge (2015)
Essential Grammar in Use - Raymond Murphy - 3ed. Espanhol (2008)
Essential Grammar in Use - Raymond Murphy - 4ed. (2015)
Essential Idioms in English - Longman -    Robert    Dixson
Essential Phrasal Verbs    Dictionary - R.A. Spears - 2ed.    (2007)
Essential Words    for The    IELTS (with Answer Key)    Lin Lougheed - Barron (2011)
Essential Words    For The    TOEFL (with Answer Key)    S. J. Matthiesen - 5ed.    (2011)
Essential Words    for the    TOEFL -    Barron (2003)
Essentials of English Grammar -    O. Jespersen - Routledge (2006)
Family and Friends 1 - Bunny and the Biscuit
First Certificate Language Practice (With Key) Michael Vince et    - Macmillan (2003)
First Verbs (A Case Study of ...) Michael Tomasello - Cambridge    (1992)
From Words to Grammar (Discovering English Usage) Roger    Berry -    Routledge (2015)
Fundamentals of    English    Grammar    (Teacher’s Guide) - Betty Azar - 3ed. (2003)
Gramatica esencial ingles - Pons (2006)
Gramatica Inglesa - A. Coney - Espasa (2007)
Gramatica Inglesa - Francisco Benedito - Longman - 8ed.
Gramatica Inglesa - Manuela Cohen - Planeta Agostini (1997)
Gramatica Lingua Inglesa (Teoria e Pratica) - Rideel - 1ed. (2006)
Grammaire anglaise – les règles    de base    – Caroline Ricard (2006)
Grammar    - practice book    (Grade 2) Treasures - McGraw-Hill
grammar    and punctuation    1 (2002)
grammar    and punctuation    2
grammar    and punctuation    3
Grammar    and Punctuation    4
Grammar    and Usage (English in Context) - Saddleback (2000)
Grammar    and Usage (English in Context) Teacher's Manual    - Saddleback (2000)
Grammar    and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency -    Longman    (2000)
Grammar    express    - Longman (excellent)
Grammar    folder (Objective First    Certificate) Cambridge - pg198_208
Grammar    for fist First Certificate (Explanations) Cambridge
Grammar    for Teachers - Andrea DeCapua -    Springer (2008)
Grammar    in Use (Reference and Practice - Explanations)    Raymond    Murphy (1998)
Grammar    References ingles - Oxford
Grammar    Rules! - For Students, Parents,    & Teachers (2002)
Grammar    Spectrum 1 (elemetary) English rules
Grammar    Spectrum 2 (Pre-Intermediate)
Grammar    Spectrum 3 (Intermediate)
Grammatica essenziale (Nozioni di grammatica e sintassi    inglese) R. Alfonso (2013)
Grammatica essenziale inglese -    DeAgostini (2011)
Grammatica Inglese di Base - Raffaele Nardella
Grammatical Constructions - Back to the    Roots (2005)
Grammatically Correct (the essential guide) Anne Stilman - W.D.    Books -    2ed.(2010)
Grammatically Correct (The writer's essential guide) A.    Stilman    (1997)
Grammatik Auf Einen Blick Englisch - Pons (2003)
Gramática de la    lengua castellana - Andrés Bello
Gramática de uso da Língua Inglesa - D.    Lima
Gramática Inglesa - AFHA
Gramática Prática da Língua Inglesa - N.Torres - 9ed. (2006)
Gwynne’s grammar - N.M.    Gwynne (2013)
How to Avoid English Teachers’ -  Pet Peeves (2001)
Idioms for Everyday Use    - M. Broukal (1994)
Idioms in Daily    Conversation (Supplement) - Barron
Improve    Your Written English - M. Field    - How to books - 5ed. (2009)
Ingle^s    Essencial para Concursos - C. Pereira -    Elsevier (2010)
Ingles na ponta    da lingua - D. Lima
Ingles para preguicosos    - Miguel Corrêa    (2013)
Inglés Gramatica Facil (Elrmentary) Vaughan (2012)
Inglês para administração - Francisco Costa et al - Elsevier (2010)
Inglês Poliedro    - OCR (2015)
Inglês Técnico - Melhoramentos
Introducing English Grammar - Hodder Education - 2ed. (2010)
Just Enough English Grammar (Illustrated) - Gabriele Stobbe - McGraw-Hill (2008)
Just Grammar (Intermediate) Marshall Cavendish (2004)
Kauderwelsch Band 143 -    Amerikanisch-Wort für Wort (2004)
Kauderwelsch Band 64 - Englisch-Wort für Wort (2001)
Language to Go (intermediate) Phrasebook -  Longman (2003)
Language to Go (Pre-Intermediate) Phrasebook - Longman (2002)
Learning English as a Foreign Language (For Dummies) - Wiley (2010)
Longman    Dictionary of Common Errors
Longman    English    Grammar    Practice (Intermediate ) - L.G.    Alexander (1998)
Longman    phrasal    verbs dictionary - over    5000 phrasal verbs (2000)
Los verbos en ingles - Sila Inglés (2015)
Making Sense of    English    Grammar    - Tracy    Cheung - Phoenix ELT (1993)
Manual de verbos ingleses - Asun Ricart    - OCR (1997)
Mastering English Grammar - S. H. Burton - Macmillan (1984)
New Cutting Edge (Elementary) with mini-dictionary - Longman
New English File (Beginner Teacher's Book)
New English File (Elementary Workbook) Oxford
New English File (Grammar Checker for Intermediate) Oxford (2006)
New Guide to Phrasal Verbs (English to Spanish)    Eduardo    Rosset (2003)
NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words - Deborah K. Williams    (1995)
NTC's Pocket Dictionary    of Words & Phrases (2001)
Ola turista (livro do aluno) Vocabulario inglês-português
Oxford Collocations - dictionary for students of English
Oxford Guide to    English    Grammar    - J. Eastwood -    Oxford (1994)
Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary    (for learners of English) - OCR    (2002)
Peterson's Master TOEFL    Vocabulary (2006)
Peterson's TOEFL - Success - Bruce Rogers (2005)
Phrasal    Verbs -    Una manera diferente de    Aprender ... - Vaughan (2002)
Phrasal    Verbs and Idioms (Advanced) - Graham Workman - Oxford
Phrasal    Verbs and Idioms (Upper-Intermediate) Graham Workman - Oxford (1996)
Pocket phrasal verbs - Dictionary - Longman
Practical English Usage    - Michael Swan - 3ed. (2005)
Practise Your Modal Verbs - Miki Watkins - longman (1991)
Prepositions (Front Line English Grammar Series) Paul Seligson (2003)
Preposições ?em    ?Inglês    - D. Lima
Pronounce it Perfectly in English - Jean Yates - Barron    - 2ed. (2005)
Prontuario di grammatica Inglese - Ada Duse - Bignami (1985)
Pronuncia do ingles norte-americano - Martha Steinberg (1986)
Quick solutions    to common errors in English (an    A-Z guide) - A.    Burt (2004)
Reported Speech    (Front Line English Grammar Series) (2003)
Resumao    - ESL -    English    composition & style
Resumao    - ESL -    English    grammar    & punctuation
Resumao    - ESL -    English    grammar
Resumao    - ESL -    English    misspelled & congusing words
Resumao    - ESL -    English    verbs
Resumao    - ESL -    Verbs
Resumao    - ESL -    Vocabulary, Popular Phrases and    Expressions
Resumao    escolar    -  ingles 2 - verbos - serie ensino fundamental    (2011)
Resumen    Practico de La Gramatica Inglesa - Robert Dixson et - OCR (1967)
Robert Hartwell    Fiske’s    Dictionary of Unendurable English (2011)
Round-Up 0 - Starter Grammar Practice (2001)
Round-Up 1 - Grammar Practice (2003)
Round-Up 2 - Grammar Practice (2005)
Round-Up 3 - Grammar Practice (2006)
Round-Up 4 - Grammar Practice (2005)
Round-Up 5 - Grammar Practice (2006)
Round-Up 5 - Grammar Practice -    Teacher's Guide    (2005)
Say it Better in English - Useful Phrases for Work and Everyday    Life (2007)
Situational Dialogues -    Michael    Ockenden - Longman (2005)
Spoken English (A Self Learning    Guide) McGraw-Hill (1993)
Style guide (The economist)
Test it    Fix it - English Grammar (Pre-intermediate) - Oxford (2003)
The 4000 English Words Essential for an    Educated Vocabulary
The A-Z    of Correct English (Common Errors in English) -    Angela Burt - 2ed. (2002)
The Big    Book of    English    Verbs -    Mark Lester et - McGraw    Hill (2009)
The Black Book of Phrasal Verbs    - Denilson Lima
The Briefest English Grammar and Punctuation Guide Ever    - Ruth Colman (2010)
The Briefest English Grammar Ever! - Ruth Colman (2005)
The Complete English Grammar (for Italians Students) - Answerkey
The Complete English Grammar (for Italians Students) - Oxford (2010)
The English Verb - An Exploration of Structure and Meaning - Michael Lewis (1986)
The Glamour of Grammar - Roy Peter Clark (2010)
The Grammar Cracker - Unlocking    English    Grammar    - Mary G. Iorio    (2001)
The Grouchy Grammarian (47 Most    Common)    Thomas Parrish (2002)
The online English grammar (V1.1) Anthony Hughes (2001)
The Oxford Guide to English Usage
The Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms
TOEFL Exam Essentials -    LearningExpress    (2004)
Top 20 (Great Grammar for ..) -    Keith Folse - Thomson -    2ed. (2008)
Tutto Inglese (grammatica vocabolario ed altro)    - DeAgostini (2011)
Understanding and Using    English    Grammar    (Chartbook) - Betty Azar - 3ed.    (2000)
Understanding and Using    English    Grammar    (Teacher's Guide) Betty    Azar - 3ed. (2000)
Understanding and Using    English    Grammar    (with Answer Key) - Betty Azar - 3ed. (2002)
Understanding English Grammar -    Martha Kolln et    - Longman - 9ed. (2011)
Understanding English Grammar -    T. Payne - Cambridge (2011)
Vaughan    Classroom Guide    Phrasal    Verbs (2011)
Vaughan    Classroom Guide    to Vocabulary Verbs (2012)
Verbos Ingleses    (Guia Practica)    Larousse (MCMXCVII)
Verbs and Tenses - George Davidson
When bad grammar happens to good people    - Ann Batko (2004)
Word by    Word (Primary) Phonics picture dictionary
Words You Should Know in High School - Burton Jay Nadler(2005)
Work on    Your Phrasal Verbs (400    most common phrasal verbs) Jamie Flockhart - Collins

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